OP didn't get the desired response - so therefore he or she threw a tantrum and deleted the post. Nice... but I'm going to respond anyway, with two points.
First, the "teach men not to rape" campaign is not designed to stop rape. It's designed to imply quite directly that rape is something men do - a flaw that exists in men that must be corrected. It does a terrible disservice to everyone by making it seem like rape is an accident. It's a social lie about men, a ridiculous misconception about the crime, and an insult to rape victims. It dilutes the crime down from "this person deliberately hurt that person" to "Oops, my bad. Sorry."
Saying the campaign is necessary because females don't understand that it's rape when they violate someone is just as ridiculous as saying the campaign is necessary because males don't understand. When a female rapes, she isn't doing that because she doesn't know it's wrong. She's doing that because she doesn't care, the same way as when a male rapes. Either she wants to hurt her victim, or she has a sense of entitlement (not the same as not knowing that abuse is wrong), or she has no moral compunctions against hurting someone to get what she wants, or she affords the rights and experiences of her victim less value and importance than she places on her own. The unvarnished, basic truth of rape is that you cannot violate the victim without violating the victim's bodily autonomy. You cannot violate the victim's bodily autonomy without knowing that you're ignoring the victim's right to say no, or ignoring the victim's circumstantial inability to say no.
An actual rapist, like any other abuser, isn't an innocent person who just stumbles past a boundary he or she doesn't know exists. The act of rape is a result of not caring about that boundary - deliberately contravening or ignoring another person's right or ability to refuse sexual contact. It isn't an accident, and it's shameful that feminism has begun using treatment of rape as an accidental behavior as part of their political agenda.
Second, even if such a campaign were justified by feminist logic, that same logic justifies starting a "Don't Teach Men Not to Get Falsely Accused. Teach Women Not to Lie" campaign.
Would you find it acceptable for the men's rights movement to start a "don't teach men to document their lives, teach women not to lie" campaign, complete with infographics, posters all over school campuses, social networking sites, and social clubs where men and women interact? Perhaps you could also assist in spreading the message that consent to social interaction is not consent to be dragged through the bowels of the legal system should one's acquaintance, friend, or partner decide that it's easier to make a rape accusation than to deal with some level of inconvenience... like fighting a custody battle, or even just paying a $13 cab fare?
Certainly, it should not matter that the majority of women don't make false accusations of rape or domestic violence. Based on the logic of the "Teach men not to rape" campaign, women who don't file false charges shouldn't be offended that such a campaign is being waged... they should be offended that society thinks so little of women's morals, toughness, and self-control that the problem of false accusations is so easily accepted and dismissed with excuses like "if you prosecute proven false accusers, female victims won't press charges."
Women should be deeply insulted by the assertion that we are so unable to differentiate between the truth and a false accusation that we'd fear prosecution too much to present evidence of any crime. Women should be horrified that society sees us as so weak and so incapable that compromising due process rights and incarcerating innocent men is seen as preferable to holding our accusations to the same standard of evidence that any other accusation of criminal assault faces. In light of the logic used to justify the "teach men not to rape" campaign, there really is no reason why women should object to the promotion of a related "teach women not to lie" campaign. In fact, since the "teach men not to rape" campaign encourages men to police other men's behavior, ethical women should should feel responsible for making sure the anti-lie message also gets heard.
So... when is feminism going to get to work on that?
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